Just a reminder:
The Ward Activities Committee has
the Ward Party that was this Saturday.
I'm not sure if the party has a rescheduled date yet, but they do intend to host another party before the semester ends.
(First block is sacrament)
President - Michelle Watkins
(208) 359-8145
1st Counselor - Starla Potter
(208) 569-9232
2nd Counselor - Amy Maynard
(801) 833-2826
Secretary - Rebekah West
(425) 750-7567
Assistant Secretary - Amber Johnson
(615) 585-1036
Do you need a helping hand, or know of someone in the ward who does? If so, please contact Rebekah Snedegar at 760-881-7718.
Need a job? Please visit 77employ.weebly.com